Priyanka Chopra's street look


As you know already, Priyanka is the most successful actress in India. Also she is India's highest paid and most popular celebrity.

She is famous for her fashion style as well. Her look is so refined and sophisticated that every girls and women want to copy it. she is a kind of idol of celebs.
She seems to be gold miss who works hard with balanced individual life.
I believe that she has a high level of fashion sense.

Let me show you one of her looks.

I feel cool even when I look at her in above photo. Her beige suit makes her confident, sexy, and gorgeous even if she doesn't were any special accessories. The jacket she wears seems to consist of linen and polyester so It does not stick to skin well and is cool. It is well absorbed by the sweat, and it is often used as summer material for clothes.

I would like to recommend some similar style like her fashion.

1. Summer Jacket with shorts

It will not happen, but if you think that Jacket always goes well with a skirt, suit pants and jeans, you should be a fashion beginner. Why don't you try shorts on this summer??
This casual style can give you unique and cool feel than normal fashion.

2. Summer jacket with wide pants

If shorts are burdensome, try long wide pants like above photo. As you know, skinny jeans are too tight to feel stuffy in summer but this wide pants are cool and airy. It is good for you to go to office in this style.

I hope you enjoyed this blog well.
I also want to be a person who wear clothes well.
Let's copy celeb's style and have fun in our lives!!

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